parasite in city攻略

时间:2023-09-21 17:03:28

摘要:Parasite in City is an exciting action-adventure game that offers intense battles. In this article, we will provide a detailed walkthrough for each level of the game. Let's dive in...

Parasite in City is an exciting action-adventure game that offers intense battles. In this article, we will provide a detailed walkthrough for each level of the game. Let's dive in!

1. How to Pass Level 1: In the first level, use the arrow keys to move up, down, left, and right to revive. Then, push the box to the right side and hold down the Q key...

2. How to Pass Level 2: To pass Level 2, go to the far right of the screen and press the up arrow key twice to access the passage. Then, go to the leftmost passage and press the up arrow key to reach the third floor. Keep moving towards the right, and you will encounter a ladder...

3. How to Pass Level 3: After the mechanism is activated, go to the right on the second floor instead of going down. If you go down, a group of zombies will quickly overwhelm you. Jump over two paths and you will find another path on the second floor. Make sure to stay on the upper path and eliminate the zombies...

4. Introduction to Parasite in City: Parasite in City is a PC platform first-person shooting game featuring a blonde and sexy protagonist who encounters a twisted parasite version of "Resident Evil" in the city. The game revolves around the battle between the female protagonist and the parasites...

5. Brief Overview of Parasite in City Walkthrough: Are you struggling to complete Parasite in City? Here are some walkthroughs to help you progress. Good luck with your gameplay!

6. Additional Challenges: As you progress through the game, you will unlock various omake stages and CG scenes. These can be enjoyed in the gallery section. However, they do not have a significant impact on the gameplay as they only offer unlimited ammunition and unlimited lives.

Parasite in City is a thrilling game that requires strategy and skill to progress through its challenging levels. By following these detailed walkthroughs, players can overcome obstacles and successfully complete each stage. Remember to utilize the different controls and techniques available to maximize your chances of success. Dive into the world of Parasite in City and enjoy the intense battles it offers!


