
时间:2023-09-22 16:01:01

摘要:Clash Royale is a real-time strategy game developed by SuperCell. In this game, players control characters from the Clash of Clans universe and battle alongside royal members. The...

Clash Royale is a real-time strategy game developed by SuperCell. In this game, players control characters from the Clash of Clans universe and battle alongside royal members. The English translation of Clash Royale in Chinese is "部落冲突皇室战争", which means "Clash of Clans: Royal War". Here are some useful knowledge points related to the game:

1. Archer Queen [ˈɑrtʃər kwi:n] 弓箭女皇

The Archer Queen is a powerful hero character in Clash of Clans and Clash Royale.

She is known for her long-range attacks and ability to summon a group of archers to aid her in battle.

2. Clash 冲突

"Clash" represents conflict or clash between different factions.

It is a common term used in various contexts, such as Clash of the Titans, a popular movie.

3. Clan 氏族、部落

"Clan" refers to a group of people with common interests or ancestry.

In Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, players can join or create clans to collaborate and participate in clan wars.

4. Cards 卡牌

Cards are an essential gameplay element in Clash Royale.

There are different types of cards, including Common, Rare, and Epic, which can be obtained and used to build a strong deck.

5. Tribe [traib] 部落、部族

In the context of Clash Royale, "tribe" refers to a group of players who form a community within the game.

Players often collaborate and strategize together to achieve common goals.

6. Wipe out 清除、垮台

"Wipe out" means to eliminate or destroy completely.

In Clash Royale, players aim to wipe out their opponent's towers and achieve victory.

7. Take over 接管、接收

"Take over" refers to the act of gaining control or possession of something.

In Clash Royale, players strategize to take over their opponent's territory and defeat their defenses.

8. Fence [fens] 栅栏、篱笆、围墙

"Fence" is a barrier or structure made of posts and wire or wood.

In Clash Royale, players can utilize defensive structures like fences and walls to protect their territory.

9. Immunity [imju:nəti] 免疫性

"Immunity" refers to the ability of an organism to resist or be protected against a particular disease or foreign substance.

In Clash Royale, certain characters or cards may have special abilities that provide immunity against certain attacks or effects.

In conclusion, Clash Royale, also known as "部落冲突皇室战争" in Chinese, is an exciting real-time strategy game where players control characters from Clash of Clans and battle alongside royal members. Understanding the various terms and game mechanics, such as the Archer Queen, tribes, cards, and strategies like wiping out and taking over, can help players excel in the game and enjoy the immersive experience it offers.


